Saturday, April 26, 2003 :::


Oh I'm soooo sooo sooooooo tired. *sigh*
I was really tired Thursday night so I went to bed @ ~ 2300. So I slept all night and woke up Friday morning @ ~ 0700. *sigh* I tried to go back to sleep 'cause I had to come to work and all.... but I just couldn't. So I got up and started playing Primal. I played 'till about noon, when I went out for lunch. Got home and played some more Primal. *sigh* Then went out with David Fraga to look for my wallet (which was missing for 4 days but is now found) and make some copies. Then I went back home and tried to sleep for 2 hours. I failed. I got up and went to Wal-Mart (where I bought that little shelf thing) and then over to My David's to chill with Lucky. We watched tv and such. Still no sleep. At about 2200 I started dosing. Then David got home... and then I had to come to work. Oh how I wish I was just in bed.

::: posted by tinafish at 1:02 AM :::