Saturday, May 10, 2003 :::


I'm really excited about reading again. I'd been kind of unable to concentrate on too much... aside from the star trek novels I've not been reading much of anything. Anyhow..... dunno if I told ya'll but I ordered Relativity when I got Wicked Prayer and that Tekken guide. As of yet I've been unable to read it (Relativity. I devoured the other 2 the day the shipment arrived). I'm not sure why... Like I mentioned last week I've not meditated in aaages. *shaking head* I'm not saying that I need to find my center to read something by Einstein... just that I've not really been able to concentrate in a while. Anyhow. I bought Ideas and Opinions, by Mr. Einstein... and as of yet I've only read the first 5 pages, but I do like it. I'm able to envision what he's talking about, which is always a good thing in books with no pictures. I imagine I'll be reading more of it tonight, seeing as how it's only 0300 and I've already stuffed charts. I do need to remember to pace myself.
I was random blog reading earlier... again, I know. Anyhow... thought this was interesting.
Oi! Just got called an admit.

::: posted by tinafish at 3:08 AM :::