My neice, Sandra, and I were sitting there with Squish in the waiting room... waiting. There was also a man with a medium sized dog and a woman with two large dogs. Anyhow, we were all sitting there talking about nothing in particular... the weather, and how Squishy looks like a jack russell. Then this d00d walks in... early 20s and kinda ratty looking to be honest. He's got in his hands this little teeny weeny dog. Looks kinda odd seeing as how he'd just stepped off a lifted z71.
So he walks to the counter and tells the receptionist that he'd found this dog... about 12 blocks away. He'd tried calling the number on the dog's tag, but there was no answer. Since the rabies tag said the name of the vet clinic, he'd decided to just drop by and leave the dog there. He was on his way back to work after lunch and couldn't spare any more time, but he'd sure appreciate it if the office could give that number a call again.
I thought that was just the sweetest thing in the world. Not 20 minutes later the dog's owner showed up and took the little guy home.
::: posted by tinafish at 12:32 AM :::