I think he's going about the whole studying thing wrong, but not like I can really talk either.
Just he doesn't ever really focus on anything. It's like he's got everything simmering and he's not actually cooking anything. Maybe that's a bad analogy. I feel like maybe if he really put his heart into the time that he spent studying that maybe he'd do a little better. And I know I don't have the best studying habits but the time that I do set aside for studying, well that's when I study and that's all I do. If we're gonna stick with the cooking analogy... then I'm like, queen of the microwave. lol. Sounds just like real life, eh?
So that dream I had scared the living daylights out of me. David says that I'm too carefree and that I ought to be more cautious. I know he's right.. that little bitty chunk of my brain that's actually rational knows that I do take risks that I don't need to... And like my whole life, in regards to everything I do, I'm always saying, "It'll be ok." One of these days I'm gonna end up eating those words.
Anyhow... I'm out. Gonna sleep 'till my belly button pops out. Oh some mountain dew would be good about now.
::: posted by tinafish at 11:12 PM :::