Thursday, October 16, 2003 :::
Before anyone really responded, I'd thought about gluing the button back on. I dunno, but I didn't really wanna use the whole chewing gum technique on this $2,000 computer I've had for... what, 3 months?
So david thought to check ebay, and we found a couple of people who sell keys. So I bought a whole new set of keys, and I'm also planning on buying a key protector from if only I can pick out a color.
In other news... I've received the first tshirt I orderd - my sister's Christmas gift. For those of you who don't know us irl, my sister and I both work nights at a local hospital. As you may be able to tell from my posts, I am usually up late at night and such. So I bought her this tshirt from that says "Carpe Noctem: seize the night." I think she'll like it.
I've been bidding on a Sanyo SCP-6400 on ebay and I keep getting outbid! I want one soooo badly that I've gone from my highest bid being $76 to now $150. *sigh* It'll be over in about 4 hours, so I guess I'm just gonna keep my fingers crossed and hope I actually win.
Aside from that, there's still the whole school thing going on. For my speech class I need to interview someone who has a job that I'd like to have when I'm through with school. I had kinda wanted to interview my old charge nurse, only he's nurse manager now and it'd be a lot harder to work into his schedule. So I'm going to interview David. He's got a real job, something I wouldn't mind doing - he's the computer guy for one of the buildings over at tech. While it's true that I am heading for a nursing degree, I still wouldn't mind running a building, ya know?
Well I think my sis and I are gonna take my dog for a walk here in a bit. I'll probably be back later to surf and I may post a bit more.
::: posted by tinafish at 4:44 AM :::