Sunday, November 30, 2003 :::
So I�m sitting here at the hospital waiting for my friend Chris. He�s managed to go and get himself nominated to do vitals for the morning shift.
He ~knows~ how important today is!!
oh gawd I�m so excited about finally getting the tree. I�m starting to get nervous and worry that maybe we won�t get it all done in time. If nothing else we do need some sort of nice background for the Christmas cards for my family back home. Dunno what David�s gonna get his mom. I wonder how she�d feel about getting a card for christmas?
So I just now noticed that there are lines on the screen already. David�s right. I�ve gotta get a screen protector. And I�ve gotta do it soon. Of course I could always just leave the computer open indefinely. Now that won�t do, will it?
So where to buy it from? There�s some d00d auctioning some on ebay. They�re ridiculous, though. It�s a piece of a chamoi with an iron on retro-apple (the rainbow) decal in the lower right hand corner. Looks aweful cheesy. David�s got a dark brown one. It looks for the most part to be just a piece of cloth... so I�m thinking maybe I�ll just buy some material and make my own. I can use David�s to kinda run off. We�ll see.
Oh! There�s my boss!
Still waiting on Chris.
*bored outta my mind*
I�m really digging my new phone. I�ve been taking all sorts of pics. I�ve already uploaded them so I�m gonna have to host �em (using that awesome hosting plan I have, btw) and then show �em off.
I�ve got a round about idea as to how I want my site to look. I�m leaning towards just taking loads of pics with my phone �till I find a decent amount that I want to show off. And I�ll just run those off my main page.
How�s that sound?
Ooh! Chris is off!
*packs up computer and hurries to buy a Christmas tree*
::: posted by tinafish at 2:26 PM :::