Friday, January 23, 2004 :::
I'll probably write on it some later tonight... for now I just wanted to mention I got Squishy a tshirt!
He looks awful cute.
My friend Cliff is leaving. He'll be working at the new Heart Hospital. I'm happy for him, 'cause the pay is better, but at the same time I'd really rather he stay here. He's trying to convince me to go over there too. I don't want to leave, though.
As much as I don't like it here, and for all the complaining about how much I hate my job... it's really not that bad. I do get to chat all night, or work on my sites, or do hmwrk. Only now, with Cliff leaving, I'm a little concerned Barnett'll try to get me to go to full time. He's still offering me extra hours if I want them.
Only now's kinda a really bad time. School just started... and I'm not sure how much time I'll need to be devoting to studying.
And there's David. Seems I hardly spend any time with him as it is. That's ridiculous though. We spend pretty much all of our time together. Only, it seems we're not together at all. Like the other day we were both at his apt. I was sitting on the couch watching tv, chatting, and working on some pics. He was at the kitchen table chatting and drawing. We were withing 10 feet of each other, but for the most part we weren't in the same room. Even in his apt we use instant messages instead of talking.
I'm not sure why.
So maybe I'll go to full time, then. If I don't see David as much I'll truly value the time we do spend together, no matter what we're doing. Only with the half hour drive to and from school, and my ~awful~ schedule this sem... I'm not sure I can afford to. I have class on M & W from 0800 - 1215, 1300 - 1545 and T & R 1100 - 1215, 1300 - 1555.
I'm gonna work on my calendar now and see if I can manage.
::: posted by tinafish at 3:58 AM :::