Sunday, May 23, 2004 :::

.oO(I get the weirdest phone calls)

there's this guy I used to know... from back oh... about my 2nd month in to working at the hospital... I guess over 2 years... we'll call him Dog (it's part of his email addrss). We originally started talking 'cause he's from the valley too. But he was always asking me out and complimenting me and junk, and that gets old ~real~ fast. When he graduated last year he moved to Dallas for a job.
I haven't really heard from him since then, aside from the phone calls whenever he's in town.
He just called me tonight, to just catch up.
*rolling eyes*
Throughout the whole time I've known him he's always trying to hook up with me, which is ~really~ weird.
So anyway.
I'd missed something like 4 phone calls, so when my phone rang again I answered.
He's back in lubbock visiting and thought it'd be cool if we got together and had lunch or something. Only it's 2 o'clock in the morning! I can see how from his point of view this may seem considerate, since I have a history of being a night person. But even iff (yes iff as in "if and only if") I was interested in seeing him (which I'm not) I'd not go out at this unproper hour to meet some guy I barely know who has made distinct advances!
I know the circumstances that I met David were... a bit similar... but david had at least made the effort to invite me out that evening and it was my call that had us at ihop at midnight.
So yes. I would not meet Dog @ 0200 to "catch up" since there is a ~distinct~ difference btwn "catching up" and BOINKING!!!
Why the hell does he still call me? I remember about a year ago he was trying to convince me David was cheating. I made it pretty clear then that I didn't want him to call me. Since then he's called a few times, but I've had the fortune of never being near my phone when he did.
Now I know this whole thing must sound like I'm really sick of him... Just... Well I am. He's a great guy and we could be friends if he wasn't so damn eager to get me in the sack.

Enough of a rant. I'm going to bed.

::: posted by tinafish at 2:24 AM :::