Thursday, June 17, 2004 :::
He's looking better today.
His doctor's visit cost ~ $70 or so, and since david paid my phone bill I didn't want to have him pay for that too. So I used my debit card as a credit card and went home to get the $100 my sis was giving me. When I got back home no one was there... and I dug around my room and couldn't find the cash where my sis said she had left it. Since I'd already paid for the visit I was beginning to wig out since I didn't have that much money in my checking acct. I figured she'd just forgotten to put the money where she said she had, so I called her on my way back to david's. She was very adamant about where she had left it... but the kids had been in my bedroom (you know how you can feel when someone's been looking at your stuff) and I mentioned that. In my family, when someone's been in your room it's up to you to decide how to punish them. If the door is closed that means don't go in, ya know? Now I get along really well with my neice, and I figured she was probably just in my room looking for polish or makeup or something, which is fine. So I was just gonna let it slide. But then Gloria says she's gonna call Sandra and see what's going on. A few mins later Gloria calls me back saying the money was in a jewelry box on the headboard of Sandra's bed. eek. When it was just Sandra being in my room it was up to me to decide how to deal with it.... but now that we knew the kid had taken something... now that's Gloria's jurisdiction. *sigh*
So David took me back to my sis's to get the money. Neither of us said much.
We went to walmart last night... and it was awful. Things were still really tense, and I know how much david hates to take me shopping w/ him 'cause of all the crap I always wanna buy. So I tried to stay back and just mind my own business, since the only reason I was there was to buy 3 things that had nothing to do with anything he was there to buy - milk.
He kept offering to buy me something sweet - it would seem most times we go to buy groceries I end up w/ twinkies or ice cream or a cake or something sweet. But I can't afford to splurge like that so I kept saying no; I've already cost him enough.
But on the way out I couldn't help myself. I grabbed a cheap little pie. Only a couple of dollars.
Then he wouldn't let me pay for anything. And he tried to buy me a soda too. Weird.
Then we left. And he stopped at krispy kreme... for doughnuts for me. It was just a little gesture... but I started to cry.
Also we saw the kids and their babysitter at krispy kreme. We all lined up for the free donuts. lol.
Then another silent ride home.
He was gonna make dinner - tuna helper. I got caught up in watching tv and he was on the phone when I went to get some juice... I dunno. I guess I just forgot that we'd been on the rocks all week. I could tell he was talking about the house to his friend F3, so I grabbed the phone to tell F3 that the house is crap.
And just like that things went back to normal.
He smiled at me... and then I grabbed the box of doughnuts. I ate a couple and then had to take over the whole tuna helper thing 'cause david can't multi-task (phone & cook). Actually I don't think he can follow directions. lol.
When it was ready I ate half and david ate less than his half.
Plus I'd had 4 donuts.
I hadn't eaten 'till I was full in aaaaages.
I was full and was in bed by 2300.
::: posted by tinafish at 11:23 AM :::