Thursday, June 03, 2004 :::

rain rain go away


It's been raining all morning.
I'm supposed to drive out to levelland to turn in some stuff for financial aid, but I'm not sure I wanna deal with the rain. It's coming down really hard right now, and it has been for the last half hour or so.
Plus I don't think I can really afford to right now.

My dad's on vacation again. He's run off for a couple of weeks. He left last week and is aiming to be back by next week.
I can't wait 'till I retire.
He's off in Dallas visiting.

I went to bed really early last night.
David showed up an hour into Pitch Black last night. Apparently his server got hit again last night.
After Pitch Black we watched the lowdown thing on scifi - the one about the chronicles of riddick.
Man I love that one shot were Riddick is jumping towards that d00d and he's got his knife drawn... That shot alone makes me wanna watch the movie. I think that'll be the highlight, but honestly I'm hoping for a decent action flic.

::: posted by tinafish at 11:11 AM :::