Wednesday, July 07, 2004 :::

.o(I love shells & cheese)

I made myself breakfast... a couple of nectarines, shells and cheese, and here in a few I'm gonna make myself a sweet potato for dessert.
I'm pretty content right now, aside from the fact I woke up ~really~ late. Again.
mmmmmmm... pulpy orange juice.
I really am pretty stoked to just sit here listening to man� eating shells & cheese and drinking pulpy orange juice.
I'm trying to get a hold of david to find out if he wants me to save him some shells & cheese... otherwise I'm gonna eat this whole thing!
It's ~really~ good. I've been watching those sprint commercials where they're talking to the kids about going over their macaroni minutes. I've been wanting mac & cheese for a while now, mostly 'cause of those commercials. I forgot about the shells & cheese in the cabinet 'till now... so now I'm eating them.
gawd this is ~good~ stuff.

David was wearing that Oscar the Grouch tshirt I gave him yesterday. He got paint all over it. He really oughta just wear one shirt when he's gonna paint. One pair of pants too. *shrug* Whatever works.
Guess I'm gonna watch the Bourne Identity again. I like it loads.

::: posted by tinafish at 3:10 PM :::