Saturday, October 16, 2004 :::
all moved in with nothing I want to eat
I bought groceries a couple of days ago... a package of cookies and bananas.
So in the fridge there are assorted juices and various liquors in the freezer. And about half a package of cookies and a few bananas.
I'm really hungry d00d.
Doke's out mountain biking. I hope he doesn't break himself. (he's always dislocating his shoulder)
*shaking head*
I'm still pretty sick this morning... erm... this afternoon.
oh I just remembered that I need to email all the people who I was considering living with... to let them know I've got a place.
I'm so stoked ya'll.
oooh... the new blade trailer.
I oughtta get a poster.
::: posted by tinafish at 2:16 PM :::