Monday, November 15, 2004 :::
seems you're in dire need of an update
But I figured since yesterday was such a blur I'd like to remember it as best I can...
and since I use this to keep track of what I've done & when I've done it...
So yesterday I went to the mall @ 1500. was there for ~ an hour and a half... bought 3 pairs of jeans and a sweater. I just took a pic of me in that sweater, so I'll link to it here in a few.
I like it a lot (the sweater)... dan didn't seem too fond of it, hence my buying it in such a hurry.
I was also looking at buying a nightmare before christmas bedspread or a tinkerbell bedspread, and a crow tshirt... but I ended up not buying anything there 'cause dan was bitching that I'd sprayed him down w/ perfume so he needed to go home and change before the movie.
Dan was going to watch a movie that started @ 1700, so we left the mall @ ~ 1630.
So I got home @ ~ 1645... and that's when I started drinking.
I called my friend Topher to come over to drink w/ me, but by the time he got there I was already buzzing.
I had been trying to make buttery nipples, but I didn't know how... I ended up mixing buttershots w/ chocolate liqueor. And Doke showed up... I don't really remember much else...
I had some alize w/ vodka... and um...
I got locked in the bathroom. I remember knocking on the door and kinda mumbling "help! help!"
Doke got the door open... said he used the keys to his car to open the door.
I passed out @ ~ 2100. like... completely out.
I woke up @ ~ 0030. I remember thinking doke had spent the night 'cause I was asking for water and I rolled over and found a bottle of water on a chair next to my bed.
It wasn't 'till ~ 0130 that I realized he wasn't there.
Dan was getting up to shower so I talked to him for a while... doke'd left me a note to call him when I came to so I did.
I was starving so he dropped by w/ some food... just chilled 'till morning.
And oh this morning...
I knocked a hole in the bathroom wall.
And I was sober when this happened!
Like... I was slipping... so I tried to stop myself from falling by pushing up agst the wall... and the wall just caved.
Well not the entire wall, but 4 tiles worth.
And it's weird; not like I kicked at the wall just applied a bit of steady pressure.
Maybe this is God telling my fat ass to stop eating so damn much?
*thinking about it*
/me winks
::: posted by tinafish at 7:05 PM :::