Tuesday, December 07, 2004 :::

my sister, the ditz

so my sister brought me lunch tonight... methinks she's trying to bribe me...
anyway... she brought me a fajita plate from Rosa's... but it had sour cream on the sald & the beef was made w/ bell peppers... and she got me queso but no chips... so then she went to taco villa and got me a beef quesadilla... again w/ no chips... and then she went to taco bueno for chips.
*shaking head*
she's quite the ditz, ya'll.

the chach is back at work tonight... he's quit smoking, so he's being ~quite~ irritable.
I worked late last night... 'till closing. I'm going home on time tonight, though.
And it's cold in here... I can't hardly feel my fingers.
Milkdud is still here tonight... kinda... he's gone out for dinner but he's left his computer so I assume he'll be back.

what else to talk about?
I was looking at tinkerbell bedspreads this afternoon...
and I talked to my friend johnathan... he's thinking about moving up here... dunno why, though.

so we're all 4 of us sitting here psst-ing **is that a word?** each other...
quite odd, really.

::: posted by tinafish at 8:44 PM :::