Saturday, December 25, 2004 :::

odds are bad, evens are good

so I just finished watching insurrection w/ adrian.
it still sucks, ya'll.
the kicker is that one scene where data says, "lock and load."
I hate that!

I used dan's isight last night... he'd been saying he couldn't get it to work, but I used it last night on yahoo to cam w/ slave for about an hour straight just fine. when he got home from work today we were comparing prefs... and they're exactly the same. Only whenever he starts to broadcast all that shows up is a black screen, but whenever I broadcast the image shows up fine.
weird, eh?

I still haven't decided what I'm going to do tomorrow - for christmas.
I had planned on getting pretty toasted & playing soul calibur all day... but seeing as how the living room's in shambles 'cause of the flood... I just dunno if that's gonna happen or not.
If all else fails I could always just bring the tv in here & play... only I meant to get a party pack of smirnoffs, another bottle of special reserve, a 3 liter coke, a bottle of gin, some tonic water, a bottle of di amore, and a bottle of apple juice.
I don't think the liquor store will be open tomorrow...
guess I'll just hafta make do w/ what I already have.
it'd be a helluva lot easier to do if I had my blender!
*glaring at aj*
hm.... I just remembered I'm also out of buttershots.

::: posted by tinafish at 2:03 AM :::