Thursday, January 20, 2005 :::
I drug myself to work this afternoon... about 2100 - 2130 I was not sure if I was gonna make it... but then my sleepiness passed and I was fine.
I ended up picking up lus right after work and heading over to pour house. We spent some time chatting w/ our waiter - he's a real sweetie - and then rj stopped by.
we stayed 'till closing - no surprise.
Since I was a bit drunk and lus & I were in my truck, and rj's truck was packed... we took a cab to ihop. We got our meal bought by some guy who knows rj... and then we took a cab back to pour house to drive here.
Once we got here we watched Triumph the Insult Comic Dog...
and I just got back from taking lus home. rj left when we did.
I had a really good time tonight.
I had been a bit concerned I wasn't gonna get buzzed, but lus matched me shot for shot, and even rj took a few.
Since lus paid last time we were there I got our tab this time... and then lus paid for the cab both times... and due to rj we got our food paid for...
it was a good night.
RJ's a really cool guy. Let's all wish him luck (he's got a job interview around noon)!
and that's about all I can handle...
I'm calling it a night.
or something.
omg - the people upstairs have already woken up.
::: posted by tinafish at 6:21 AM :::