Saturday, January 22, 2005 :::

busy busy busy

*singing to the tune of Abba's "Money, Money, Money"*

So I'll be off work soon...
then over to my sister's for a bit...
then a basketball game...
and a lan party tonight.
where ~do~ I find the time?

so work has been hectic...
can't complain too much, though...
I was starving earlier, but doke was being really awesome and brought me lunch.

doke got pretty trashed the other night... and then he drove home.
I was pretty mad.
and I kinda yelled at him, I guess.
I feel kinda bad about fussing at him - I mean, he's an adult same as I am. In fact, he's older than me. So I guess it just kinda freaks me out that I still get on my soapbox.
not like I have any right to preach.
more than once he's put me to bed, gotten me water, and helped me around.
Most prominent is the time I locked myself in the bathroom & he got me out.

So I finally saw House of Flying Daggers last night.
Adrian went w/ me. We kinda fought for a bit, but once the movie started I was stoked.
I really liked it - it was so pretty to look at... especially that dancing bit at the beginning.
think I'm gonna be adding that to my wishlist here in a few.

Speaking of spending money - omg.
I noticed today that for the last 3 months I've been getting charges from on the 24th.
I have no idea what I ordered, but I think it's about time to find out.

::: posted by tinafish at 3:33 PM :::