Friday, February 25, 2005 :::

I better write this on my arm

I told the married d00d I'd work for him tomorrow...
I think I'd better write it on my arm, otherwise I'm gonna forget.
I'm gonna stick to the whole I'm-not-drinking-half-my-paycheck-away idea. Lus and I are supposed to play scrabble tonight.
I've never played scrabble before.

the anarchist hippy is supposed to come over today to look at the apt.
I don't think doke realizes I have alarm clocks.
or maybe he just doesn't realize I know how to set them?
oh! it must be that he doesn't realize when I say "morning" it just means anytime before I go to work (I hafta be there @ 1600).

So anyway.
Dan's bday is on sunday.
he's spending the weekend w/ his chick & his parents.
I'm ~totally~ taking him out next weekend.
guess I'm gonna hit the shower, then.

::: posted by tinafish at 12:42 PM :::