Tuesday, February 22, 2005 :::

there's a difference, you know...

I try to use these words accordingly, not interchangeably.

adj. mad�der, mad�dest
1. Angry; resentful. See Synonyms at angry.
2. Suffering from a disorder of the mind; insane.
3. Temporarily... deranged by violent sensations, emotions, or ideas.
4. Lacking restraint or reason; foolish.
5. Feeling or showing strong liking or enthusiasm.
6. Marked by extreme excitement, confusion, or agitation; frantic.
7. Boisterously gay; hilarious.
8. Affected by rabies; rabid.

tr.v. frus�trat�ed, frus�trat�ing, frus�trates
      a. To prevent from accomplishing a purpose or fulfilling a desire; thwart.
      b. To cause feelings of discouragement or bafflement in.
2. To make ineffectual or invalid; nullify.

just for future reference.

::: posted by tinafish at 3:36 PM :::