Tuesday, February 15, 2005 :::

well it's certainly not what I expected, I'll tell ya that.

I went to pour house last night like I had planned. I met up w/ this fella that I've chatted w/ before... his name's justin.
we were both there to just drink a bit and wallow in self pity.
I ended up having a really good time w/ him. he really does seem like a good guy.
and he claims he'd beat me @ tekken tag.
supposedly we're gonna get together on thursday or friday.
guess we'll see, eh?

I was a bit trashed so he brought me home last night - meaning I left my truck @ the pour house.
Lus came over after work to give me a ride to my truck, and so we could go out for brkfst.
Lus wanted to go to Ranch House, and they don't accept credit cards, so we stopped at united so I could use the atm.
We walked in... and I saw David's mom.

Part of me wanted to run up to her and give her a hug. the other part wanted to run and hide.
I did the latter.
David's her only child.
and I fucked it all up.
it was nice while it lasted, eh? I just wish I'd spent more time enjoying it than fussing about when it was gonna end.

So anyway. I'm watching an episode of tng on spike... the d00d who plays Tuvok is in it. and he's a bad guy.

::: posted by tinafish at 1:00 PM :::