Friday, March 25, 2005 :::
she had us call in our order (to sonic, mind you) and she went to pick it up.
she gave me garbage about it - food for all 4 of us was about $30, which is easily my tab alone at ihop.
so anyway.
we've got 3 bags of food, a gift bag (she got me a tshirt, a duck, and shampoo for easter), and 4 drinks, so I needed help bringing all that back here.
she brought the drinks back.
when I was walking her back out... you know that glass sliding door I've mentioned? and you know how since we're the only ones in the building it's really dark? well... she walked into the closed side of the sliding door.
it was ~so~ funny, ya'll.
but she's a sweetie. she gave me $20 to last me 'till I get my replacement debit card.
and we're supposed to get together tomorrow afternoon to play some tekken and celebrate easter.
now I'm finally able to use bluetooth - I'm dloading all of the jesus fan's pics from his phone. I'm gonna email 'em to him, or possibly upload to my server so he can dload from there.
great fun at work tonight.
I'm so stuffed.
::: posted by tinafish at 8:16 PM :::