Friday, March 25, 2005 :::
(and he went halfers on my friends quiz, which was a nice surpise. ~and~ he's the ONLY one who got the question about my childhood hero right)
we watched clerks and just jacked around for a while.
lus came by, so he and david fraga finally got to meet - that's me quoting lus in the title.
david fraga went home a little after 0300, right about the time we started playing tekken.
I'm having great fun customizing the characters, so I'm playing in arcade mode a lot to get gold.
I keep forgetting to find out if kazuya's extra costume is the devil.
speaking of which.... now's as good a time to find out as any.
sleep well, ya'll.
::: posted by tinafish at 5:44 AM :::