Tuesday, March 08, 2005 :::

the lesser of three evils

I love the guys I work with, but sometimes they can be such asses.
and I mean asses in a good way.
like a "ha ha you're such an ass" way.

anyway. we talk a lot of garbage and jack around all the time... and one of their favorite things to do is close a glass sliding door so one of us will walk into it.
see... we're the last ones there... after our owner goes home most all the lights in the building are off, except 2 - one in the actual tech support room we all sit in, and the lights in the hallway. only... to get out of the building I have to walk from our room down the hall, through 2 dark rooms, through the sliding door, and through the 2 front office rooms. then out the front door.
so it's really dark and ~very~ easy to not see that the door's closed.
all 3 of the guys (the jesus fan, the chach, and the married d00d) have all walked into it before.
because of what's happened to each of them I always grope around when I get to the door, to be sure it's open. I usually leave earlier than the guys, so it'd be me that walks right into it.

So I'm leaving... walking down the hall hollering 'good night' to the guys... through the 2 rooms, and I grope when I get close to the sliding door. but I don't slow down this time... I was the last one up and about since I was vacuuming, so I guess I didn't feel the need to stop & then grope.
so I end up hitting my hand really hard agst the glass, 'cause one of the little asses closed the door.
guess I should be thankful it wasn't my face that hit the glass.

so there I am, trying to decide which one did it.
tough. here's what they've all done:
the jesus fan - he's always giving me wet willies, and today he poured water on my head & scared the crap out of me while I was vacuuming
the chach - mostly harmless. he just talks a lot of garbage... and doesn't ever intervene
the married d00d - scared the crap out of me while I was vacuuming... on more than one occasion.

so I'm wanting to accuse aaron, but he's sitting there reading his bible.
the other two... looked more suspicious.

but looks can be deceiving.
as I was leaving (for the second time) aaron confessed.
the little turd.

I love the guys, but I tell you... they can be such asses.

::: posted by tinafish at 10:53 PM :::