Sunday, March 27, 2005 :::
I hadn�t talked to him since the last time I mentioned it on here.
I dunno what it is about him... but he makes me stupid happy.
/me shrug
Today - erm, the 26th - is marleen�s bday.
I had originally invited lus to celebrate w/ us, but that ended up falling to pieces.
but overall I had a good time.
gloria (my sis) and I ordered food from manila cafe. It was supposed to be ready at 1800, but it wasn�t ready �till 1930.
so to kind of appease us, they kept giving us all these free samples. and omg we ended up eating ~so~ much.
by the time we finally got to marleen�s I only ate about half a plate and was finished.
my sis and I ended up deciding to nap instead of battle (tekken), so I dropped her off at home and came home.
instead of napping, I spent the evening with justin.
well lus & I are gonna make an orange juice run.
::: posted by tinafish at 12:44 AM :::