Wednesday, April 20, 2005 :::

$2 worth of pure distraught-ness

so my ibook is not looking good...
she's going into the whole "magic eye" bit in awesome shades of green and purple... kinda reminds me of my last blog template. lol
seriously, though, it makes me sad.
I talked to lus earlier; he's willing to format my external for me tomorrow, and then I'm gonna see how much I can move over.

david fraga came over last night to give me back the chronicles of narnia.
I made some cookies and then we grabbed some dinner while watching the boondock saints.

for whatever reason (probably a manly one) he sat through most of the movie clutching my sword.
I made some fun of him - doing the whole "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." bit from the princess bride.

I bought the ultimate hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy... this awesome leatherbound edition.
it's in my truck atm, and since my ibook is not working and my work comp has nothing useful on it, I'm gonna spend the night reading.
well, 'till I go home, anyway. running on 3 hours of sleep, all I wanna do is lay about napping.

ooh - I wanna get this for my brother...

::: posted by tinafish at 6:55 PM :::