Saturday, April 09, 2005 :::
I was more freaking out 'cause justin kept poking at me and talking about how scary it was.... than anything the movie had to offer.
but I will admit... I've got an oval mirror here in my bedroom, and it was freaking me out ~during~ the movie. the light from the apple (on the back of my ibook) was kinda being reflected, but just barely... it looked pretty spooky in the lighting and at that angle.
but seriously, the movie wasn't bad at all.
it was gross when that chick climbs out of the tv and is all nubby, though.
lol. so not scary, just gross.
not saying I didn't have weird dreams, 'cause I did... but only one or two of them was even vaguely related to the movie.
I kept having dreams about orgies, and that's not cool.
I mean, I can see how it could be fun, esp in that context (read stranger in a strange land and you'll know what I'm talking about), but I just don't believe in sharing.
it was ~so~ weird... downright creepy, really.
I guess I told justin about my dreams sometime, 'cause he mentioned it this morning/afternoon.
I dunno why that would stick out (scenes from a science fiction book I've read more than once) as opposed to scenes from "the scariest" movie out there.
makes me wonder what the scariest movie I've ever seen is.
I know the answer lus would give - farenheit 911.
but I dunno.... gothika previews gave me nightmares 'till I saw the movie.
guess I'll munch on that and get back to you.
::: posted by tinafish at 1:08 PM :::