Thursday, April 21, 2005 :::
it ~still~ gives me goosebumps...
I was watching and all that could have been last night...
mostly I was just using it as white noise, since my comp was being uncooperative... but I perked right up when the great below came on.
I'm about done w/ the second book in the ultimate hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy... it's a quick and pleasing read.
not exactly as wonderful as I'd been expecting, since everyone's always raving about it, but no doubt it's good.
thinkgeek's got some cute hhgttg stuff, if you're a big fan.
I, personally, wouldn't mind having this electromagnetic radiation spectrum poster, the invaders stickies, the chicks dig unix tshirt, the digital angel tshirt, or the wardriver tshirt.
but first things first... I'll buy the I do not need mario to save me. from j!nx.
.o(I get sidetracked so easily)
my comp's at home right now... it's been on since 1430 or so... and was still on at 18 when I went home to grab my glasses.
I copied all my music to the external... gonna move everything else when I get home.
::: posted by tinafish at 7:57 PM :::