Friday, April 08, 2005 :::
it's a war... with the whole wide world...
I was chatting w/ this d00d rik for a few hours last night and tonight... and we were talking about music.
now, for whatever reason, I'm ~such~ in a liz phair mood.
I just bought another album.
I've really gotta start paying more attn to what I spend my money on.
I was talking to lus the other day...
he said I don't smell like dumped gf anymore.
I was pretty stoked to hear that, since I've got all these emotions trapped inside me, and only every so often do any of them spill over.
'course he was drunk at the time... so I dunno.
so many of our conversations are drunk ones.
oh! aj's supposed to rent the sixth sense and the ring tomorrow.
I've gotta remember to get up early and wake him up, though.
he's got a new job, which he'll be starting this weekend. I'm pretty stoked for him, since he was really tired of his old job.
I'm gonna read a bit then call it a night, for real this time.
ok... maybe I'll chat w/ slave for a bit.
but I ~am~ going to bed early.
::: posted by tinafish at 2:44 AM :::