Wednesday, April 20, 2005 :::
broken computer = no music = my fan and clocks are too loud
I tried to boot it up again when I got home from the hospital, but all that happened was it made a loud wheezing noise and never came on.
I couldn't get to sleep 'till ~ 0700, and my sis showed up at about 0715...
so I slept 'till 1000 instead of 0930.
got up and showered... headed to the mall w/ my sis...
stopped by compusa for an external drive and a crossover cable... then to the disney store for a music box that I didn't know I was paying for...
/me grr
went home again and my sis left... I fell asleep on the couch waiting for dirty dan. I felt like garfield; those sun rays hit me and I was out.
dirty dan came by... and my computer booted up like nothing was wrong.
I tried to get the external drive working... but apparently I need something lower than OS 9.x so I'll be bothering lus later. methinks he's got 8.6, so that should do it (hopefully).
dan and I jacked around talking and all... I restarted my ibook a few times and it was fine...
dan didn't believe me 'till about an hour in my screen started to turn green.
rebooted and it was fine again.
I left it running while we went out for lunch... jason's deli. mmmmmm...
we got back and it was still running fine.
A few days ago I accidently bought the clean version of lost and found (
we talked a bit, and I tried to convince him to read stranger in a strange land.
I don't really think he will. I'd have lent it to him, but lus (who I don't think is gonna read it) has my copy.
so my ibook was working fine up 'till I left my apt.
I'm gonna open it up here in a few and see if it's still working.
oh! about the title... my sis and I were walking through the mall and passed by claire's... I saw a big sign that says, "Prom Night WOW!" only I read, "porn right now!"
I'm just glad I didn't say anything out loud.
::: posted by tinafish at 4:16 PM :::