Thursday, April 28, 2005 :::
supposedly she was a man-hater
"the best choice for smokers who worry about their health is to quit.
the next best choice is eclipse."
that's off some label on a pack of cigarettes. I thought it was pretty funny, so I'm sharing it with you.
I got pulled over last night on my way to the hospital.
I had my windows down and was enjoying the warm evening while listening to hurt (
I decide agst just sitting there, so I take a right and start to pull over... then I see a parking lot so I turn into that and start to pull over... then I decide to pull into a parking spot instead... By the time I finally stopped they had both search/spot lights on and 2 cops get out of the car.
they're shining flashlights into my bed and backseat... then another cop car pulls up and one of the cops goes over to it.
then the cop on my side (the driver side) comes over and starts his spiel.
t3h little copper d00d was all, "blah blah blah license and proof of insurance blah blah."
so I give him my license, and reach over to my glove box to search for my insurance card.
a couple of weeks ago lus left his flask (I'm not sure if it's full or empty or what) in my glove compartment... my sis has given me garbage about it, and I've been meaning to put it somewhere else.
I open the glove box and the flask pops out, almost into my passenger seat.
I laugh, shake my head, and then start looking for my valid insurance card. I come up w/ 3, the last which expired 5 days ago.
I just laugh again, 'cause it seemed funny that I don't have proof of insurance, and this is the 3rd time I've gotten pulled over for my rear passenger blinker being out.
I figure it's about time I got a ticket for it. on top of that there's there expired insurance and the flask.
the copper asks me to come back to his car. I laugh again, thinking about the argument I had with lus (the one about giving head to get out of a ticket), then follow him back to his car.
we sit there and I'm just poking around his car while he's filling out paperwork. we make small talk, and mostly I'm just laughing 'cause it's a warning he's filling out.
Thing that's so funny is, he seems like a good enough guy. He's been polite, and nice enough, tall and gangly too. I laugh some more, 'cause I considered asking if he's got a chick and all, but then I figured he'd think I'm hitting on him to get out of a ticket.
/me shrug
so I didn't. I took my warning and went to the hospital.
Lus gave me garbage for wanting to ask out this rad tech. In the end he asked me to not do it at the hospital.
/me shrug
went upstairs to chat w/ my sis... met some lab d00d she'd been wanting me to meet. one of the nurses had been trying to set me up w/ his best friend for a while now, but I get the feeling that it'd not go too well, and I like this nurse well enough.
d00ds are weird - I don't think he'd still be my friend if things went to shit w/ someone he introduced me too. bros before hos, though. words to live by.
So overall I didn't get much of anything done last night.
I've still not cleaned my apt.
still haven't levelled up in the devil within.
and still don't have a d00d.
at least I don't have a ticket, though.
::: posted by tinafish at 5:13 PM :::