Monday, May 30, 2005 :::

bow down before the one you serve

you know, sometimes I get so wrapped up in myself, and what would make me happy...
I forget about my friends.
I'm thankful that when I'm in danger of becoming completely self-absorbed they're there to bring me back... I'm not thankful that it's usually something dire that drags me out of my tina-only zone... but I am glad it happens.

adrian came over last night and we watched rambo.
he's near impossible to wake up once he's fallen asleep...
I'm guessing he turned off my alarm clock this morning, and he didn't wake me when he left, but overall I had a good time with him.
it still amazes me how similar he and I are... and how we both tend to just take turns throwing tantrums.
/me shaking head

because I didn't hear my alarm go off I didn't get to spend time with aj this afernoon.
I did talk to him before I went to bed, and we'd made plans to get together for lunch... but I fell asleep and didn't wake up 'til 14 (like I do most every day). I called him when I woke up, but he's not answering.
I feel pretty bad, 'cause I so want to talk to him about how he's holding up and all...
/me sigh

my niece and nephew are in town. we all went to see madagascar (it was a disappointment) on saturday, and yesterday afternoon they came over and watched the boondock saints with me.
justin didn't come over last night, so I was bummed. it was expected, though... so at least I was prepared for it.
and the stuff with the guys that happened, or didn't, probably wouldn't have happened at all if I'd been busy being stupid happy.
I'm still kicking my own ass about not going out with aj.
I hate when I pull shit like that.

::: posted by tinafish at 4:30 PM :::