Thursday, May 12, 2005 :::

don't play with fire

so you know those biodegradeable peanuts I've been talking about?
well... we discovered that soy sauce degrades 'em ~really~ fast.
only... after about 50 peanuts we ran out of soy sauce. so we added in alcohol.
after about another 20 or so...
aaron decided to hold a lit lighter up about 4 inches away from the neck of the bottle we'd been shaking all these things up in.

apparently the fumes caught fire, all the way back into the bottle, then shot back out again and burned aaron's hand (the one he was holding the lighter in).

last week when lus & I were at the pour house, I was playing with a matchbook.
I got distracted and burned myself.
then brian came up and put whiskey or something on his hand and set that on fire.

so fire is great fun.
'till it lights you up.

::: posted by tinafish at 9:23 PM :::