Monday, May 02, 2005 :::
"I'm gonna break you in, fat boy!"
I shared one with doke saturday night, and then had one later that night after he went home. my sis just bought and brought me 3.
the anarchist hippie came by saturday night, for the first time in aaaaaaages. apparently he's got a chick now, so that's what he's been doing lately.
work so far has been... odd.
our owner was in a really good mood today... and richard (one of our admins) broke something... lol.
nm. you just had to have been here.
I'm still listening to hurt (
I dunno why, though. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's an ~awesome~ song... but I've been listening to it for like... the last 5 days.
ooh! lus is on the phone!
/me scampers off
::: posted by tinafish at 7:04 PM :::