Friday, May 06, 2005 :::

old friends and new faces

I'm ~really~ bad about keep screennames with faces and irl names.
this d00d I've known for a couple of years... it's all I could do to remember his real name (yes, I admit, I had to look it up) and I had no recollection of ever seeing a pic of him.
so hopefully this time I'll remember.

doke & I went to compusa this morning; I want a mac mini w/ os 10.3 on it. they have one, but I'm not sure if it's got bluetooth or airport extreme ready.
guess we'll see.

we went to walmart last night for food... I was trying to buy some movies but doke kept fussing about me needing food....
so oh well.

we watched house of flying daggers... that part at the end where she throws her dagger... it makes me wanna cry every time I see it.
and the dancing bit (particularly the song she sings) at the beginning is crazy awesome too.

I wonder if I can find a mt dew poster anywhere...
that'd be a good contribution to my living room.

::: posted by tinafish at 6:05 PM :::