Monday, May 09, 2005 :::
star trek is cool... my mom said so
we did not get into an argument about what century the temporal prime directive came into being... and I was not proven wrong by the jesus fan siding with milkdud.
this is not a picture of jordan licking his bike.
and since I'm linking to pics, here's the hair I bought for the girls, and what they look like defaultly.
xiaoyu is on the left, and anna is on the right.
new hair
and here's the ranking system, per IGN FAQs:
1. Beginner
2. Kyu 9th
3. Kyu 8th
4. Kyu 7th
5. Kyu 6th
6. Kyu 5th
7. Kyu 4th
8. Kyu 3rd
9. Kyu 2nd
10. Kyu 1st
11. Dan 1st
12. Dan 2nd
13. Dan 3rd
14. Dan 4th
15. Dan 5th
16. Shihan
17. Expert
18. Master
19. Virtuoso
20. Sage
21. Warlord
22. Champion
23. Legend
24. Conqueror
25. Deity
26. Tekken Lord
oh and one last bit of info. for you star wars nerds, here's something you'll here Padme tell Anakin...
"Hold me like you did by the lake on Naboo!"
I can tell you're excited.
::: posted by tinafish at 10:45 PM :::