Saturday, June 04, 2005 :::
drunken scissor kicks are my specialty
I really don't remember doing anything like that, but oh well.
and you know how it goes with us - we take turns throwing tantrums.
I made a great analogy about us earlier!
have you heard hard headed woman (
pretend that the hard headed woman is a hard headed man,
and the soft hearted man is a soft hearted woman...
and you've got the awesome dynamic btwn me and adrian!
(according to me, anyway. I'm sure he'd site the song as elvis sings it)
I had my im status earlier set to "anyone wanna go to dallas with me the first weekend in july?"
and I've found someone! he's gonna check his work schedule, but hopefully Juan (a friend-in-law I met through my roommate in houston, Kevan) will be able to go with me.
ooh... someone's knocking on my wall.
::: posted by tinafish at 9:25 PM :::