Wednesday, June 15, 2005 :::
so I ran a search on itunes for gregorian chants...
and then I bought a couple of albums... World Meditation - Six Daily Meditations from Around the World (
I'm really happy with both of those albums... and I listened to them all night.
and right when I was falling asleep this morning, I decided to buy the soundtrack to house of flying daggers 'cause I absolutely ~love~ the song the chick sings when she's dancing there at the beginning... it's called something... translates to "beauty song" (
I put the soundtrack of hero in my shopping cart - I love the music in that scene where nameless fights sky.
I also put various other albums with chants on them in my shopping cart...
where I'm going with this is that I've already spent $20 on music... in about an hour.
itunes offers an allowance, where it'll charge my credit card a certain amt every month, and I can't buy anything once I've used all the credit on my acct.
I've thought about using the allowance thing before... but I talked myself out of it since some months I don't buy anything at all.
/me shrug
think I need to work on talking myself into it. or at least trying to control my purchases.
::: posted by tinafish at 6:24 PM :::