Friday, June 03, 2005 :::
you've dazzled me with your spontaneity
words like bailaré, cantaré, & lloverá.
I just think it's so beautiful...
like this one line from cuándo los ángeles lloran (
cuándo los ángeles lloran... lloverá
it means: when angels weep it will rain
**this feels familiar - have I mentioned it before?**
I think that's such a moving line... and I'm almost positive it's because of the possible-future it holds.
I'm not sure why I find this stuff so attractive, particularly since I'm not exactly fluent in spanish...
/me shrug
I also think latin's a beautiful language... and I love the way people from spain speak spanish...
like eddie izzard said, "two countries seperated by a common language."
(pay no attn that he was referring to the US and england, and not mexico and spain)
(I promise it makes perfect sense)
::: posted by tinafish at 4:24 AM :::