Thursday, July 14, 2005 :::

and he approves!

so lus and I watched appleseed earlier...
I can hardly believe it - he liked it!
this has got to be the first movie he and I have watched that's one of my movies... like... usually we'd watch movies he wanted me to see.
everytime I try to get him to watch a movie I like... he either runs off or falls asleep.
so this is cool, ya know?

and I've half-assedly put together a picture for milkdud's appleseed thread.
I didn't spend to much time on it seeing as how I just got home from lus's and I've gotta get up in ~ 3 hours for work.
and I'm not sure if you'll get the reference.... but I promise that's what briareos' rabbit ears remind me of.

::: posted by tinafish at 3:52 AM :::