Friday, July 29, 2005 :::
as you may have gathered from a previous post, it didn't go so well.
but oh well. it was about time I come to terms with who I am and who I'm not.
and who I am... lol.
I sit here with a flask of crown...
I just finished toasting nicc and his wife... apparently they bought a house.
kudos to them.
then, seeing as how I've already had a few shots, I decided to catch up on how doke's been doing.
apparently he's talking to some chix0r... so I toasted to them.
then I read that he's still moving soon... so I toasted to him instead.
seriously. I'm sitting here raising my (erm.. lus's) flask and saying things out loud and then drinking.
alone, mind you.
I dunno. I guess this is a good thing.
I'm just kinda in a foul mood.
I wish I had minutes on my phone - I'd have called adrian by now.
nothing like someone with a more cynical view to make me feel like things aren't so bad.
hm... someone remind me to stop posting when I'm drunk.
::: posted by tinafish at 11:02 PM :::