Thursday, September 01, 2005 :::
I tried to tactfully find out how he feels about penguins, but in the end he never did tell me.
I had a good time, though. I really do like penguins; they're up there above monkeys and below squirrels & prairie dogs.
and the baby penguins were ~super~ cute!
and I feel like a putz.
last night javi-er came over for a bit... well honestly I'm not sure for how long.
he went out for a smoke break and I accidently fell asleep on the couch.
I woke up ~ 03 (he was gone by then) and went to bed.
in my defense, I stayed up all tuesday night reading; I forgot I come into work absurdly early now.
::: posted by tinafish at 12:11 PM :::