Thursday, October 27, 2005 :::
super scary dreams that are still making me shudder.
I woke up ~ 06... jacked around a bit... thought about calling my sis (wish I had) but ended up laying around 'till ~ 09.
got up, showered, headed over to her house, and I was spackling the wall by 0930. she got home a few mins later, lamented over not inviting me to brkfst, and then decided we should go to the mall.
I'm not sure why I never learn. we spent 4 hours at the mall. I just wanted some underwear! 30 mins, max! we spent an hour and a half in victoria's secret alone!
and oh yes, let me tell you about what happened ~before~ we'd even left her house.
she was coming into my bedroom, and I'm on a step ladder leaning over the tv stand spackling a bit of wall that had some scrapes in it.
she sees me on the ladder, decides that she can get by, and proceeds to. only she bumps the ladder in the process.
now, my sister's... got curves. and I'm already leaning off the ladder.
she bumps me and I lose my balance. I'd rather not land on the tv stand, and I'd ~really~ rather not hit the 2 stacks of cinder blocks (pressing flowers, remember?), so I push off the ladder, contort in mid air, and land in a crumpled heap. I narrowly miss the cinder blocks (I seriously think they swayed) and bash by entire backside (shoulders to rump).
and she laughs!
/me grr
and here's a nice little map I made in ms paint (made me feel like milkdud's friend the devil) to help you understand what I'm talking about - I was spackling over where the empty space next to tv is. I had to approach from that side because on the other side of the tv stand is a little rolly shelft thingy and then my bed. couldn't move the rolly shelf thingy 'cause of my bed, and the cinderblocks lean right up agst the side of the bed as well.
so anyway. I spent a bit of my morning working on my room and then the rest of the morning at the mall. we stopped at victoria's secret, hot topic, buckle, and waldenbooks. I finally got another copy of the simple truth so I'll read that as soon as possible, and I picked up a copy of the count of monte cristo since it's adrian's favorite book & I've never read it.
so I got undergarments & a couple of books - $60
my sis got undergarments, jeans, tshirts, earrings, and lots of other crap - I don't even wanna think about how much she spent
I'm wearing adrian's flip flops to work today... I nearly fell in a puddle on my way into the building.
I never knew navigating with flip flops was so hard.
::: posted by tinafish at 3:26 PM :::