Monday, October 31, 2005 :::

somebody ~shit~ on the coats!

milkdud gave me a copy of dane cook's retaliation, and I've had adrian listen to it... he likes it a lot.
he & I listened to a chunk of brian regan's live, but I think I liked that one more than he did.

I'm still not fully moved, ya'll.
my kitchen is still not packed.
I have, however, taken down most of my posters & mirrors.
there's no way I'm getting my deposit back. there are huge holes in the walls from mirror, and my carpet's got that stain from when I ate potpourri.... plus when the pipes in the laundry room exploded my living room was flooded...
/me sigh
oh well. I didn't really expect to get it back

we ended up just watching a few episodes of ds9 last night, and tonight I think adrian's gonna help me move.
hope you have a better halloween than it looks like I'm gonna have
/me pouts

::: posted by tinafish at 12:38 PM :::