Thursday, March 30, 2006 :::

absurdly creepy

so this building is spooky at night.
seriously spooky.
and I'm afraid of the dark... and a load of the lights here need to be replaced...
it's this big creepy mostly empty building.
on the brighter side... only 3 hours more and I can go home.

I've spent most of the day chatting with the ever-popular sugar lips.
he was supposed to stay online this evening (to keep me from wigging out too much), but apparently he's run off somewhere.
so I'm here, listening to the doors at an absurd volume, because I'm a bit uncomfortable.

sam's been talking about us taking a trip to las vegas pretty steadily for the last month or so... honestly he talked so much about it today that I'm all excited and really wanting to go.
guess when it comes down to it I don't really expect him to fly here and then fly us to vegas, but it would be ~awesome~ to finally visit st: the experience and have a few drinks at quark's.
I'm totally gonna hafta head out there sometime soon. and by soon, I mean in the next five years.

::: posted by tinafish at 6:23 PM :::