Monday, March 20, 2006 :::

an angel and her demons

I had a wonderful weekend... or so I keep trying to convince myself.
I've got a kind-of-huge moral issue that's eating at me...
I'm hoping to get to go to confession this evening.
I don't usually mention my faith on here, but this is a whopper.
my relationship with adrian is in shambles, partly due to said moral issue.
I need to confess... not necessarily because I've sinned (you know what I mean), but because I will sin.
I'm able to rationalize something that I know I should consider wrong... I'm hoping someone'll talk some sense into me, before I cross that line.
/me sigh
I think it would help if my faith were stronger - if I didn't always have to sit down and choose what I believe and what I think is a load of propoganda. if I was just able to have that mindless faith I so often look down on.
I do wish I didn't have to envelop an idea and make it my own... wish I was a good little catholic who took the bible at face value...

::: posted by tinafish at 12:32 PM :::