Friday, April 21, 2006 :::
and hour or so in I happened upon drawing restraint 9, which really caught my eye.
"The core idea of Drawing Restraint 9 is the relationship between self-imposed resistance and creativity, a theme it symbolically tracks through the construction and transformation of a vast sculpture of liquid Vaseline, called “The Field”, which is molded, poured, bisected and reformed on the deck of the ship over the course of the film."
my day seems to have a bjork theme - I noticed a bjork pic on depressed munkey's myspace, got an email full of celeb baby pics that had bjork in there, and then that trailer.
the movie looks interesting, so I ran a search on amazon, with no luck. I did, however, find the soundtrack... which prompted me to open itunes and give it a listen.
it's certainly different... see for yourself (
think I'm gonna add it to my itunes cart... hopefully sometime soon I'll get around to actually buying all the stuff that's in there.
aside from that I've spent the day listening to those bands I loved at the easter bash - dr skoob & the acoustic groove and muchos backflips. I totally wanna dload/purchase their stuff.
I even changed my myspace profile song from stand tall, by thyrium to experiment 62, by muchos backflips.
**sorry vee!**
and I'm hungry.
::: posted by tinafish at 4:12 PM :::