Monday, May 08, 2006 :::

crazy little flip

I talked to r00 last night... that d00d is so awesome, ya know?
I feel really lucky to know him and have him as an active part of my life.
I dunno... he's always so upbeat about stuff... well, maybe not upbeat... but... I dunno. makes me feel better?
ok I'm sorry I know I'm not making much sense... in my defense I just ate an entire bag of carrots and I'm ~really~ wishing I hadn't.
like I was saying...
I talked to r00 last night.
I'd put in for some time off to go back home... requested from this wednesday to next wednesday off...
as luck would have it r00's in the states right now, and it would've been awesome to get to hang out with him.
unfortunately, since we're so short staffed, I didn't get the time off.
it hits me sometimes... that I've only ever met up with him irl... maybe... 3 times, I think. it just seems weird sometimes, to sit down and say that... I mean, I talk to him online mostly every day.
and I do consider him one of my closest friends.
isn't that cool?
I mean... I dunno.
I just think he's super awesome. totally... un-judging. um... like... ya know?
ok I'm still not making any sense.
excuse me while I go vomit**

**I'm not really gonna vomit, but I bet I'd feel better if I did

::: posted by tinafish at 2:45 PM :::