Wednesday, June 07, 2006 :::
it's not so much that I'm not looking forward to meeting this kid...
I'm just not looking forward to meeting anyone in general.
really I'm more than half leaning towards trying to work things out with adrian again.
but I think staying single would be best for me.
I was playing dominoes (shocking, I know) with mcrough earlier...
I won.
nothing else is new...
I skipped out on the movie last night. got home from work and went to bed.
but then I had a bad dream, so I woke up and talked to rob about it.
I ended up going back to sleep on the couch... where I was within arm's reach of rob if I needed him.
yeah... it's pretty lame... I know.
but it felt so much safer there in glow of my monitor.
also... status messages can be informative.
I've pretty much made plans with doke.
ya'll remember him?
things ended kinda badly btwn us...
after linking to that girl & krypto last night I went through and read some of doke's archives.
you know those stupid get-to-know-me-better surveys that go around, asking what you would change about your past?
it occurred to me last night... the one thing I'd change... in my life, ya'll... I'd have played disc golf with him.
so hopefully sometime we will.
::: posted by tinafish at 6:55 PM :::