Friday, June 16, 2006 :::
I need your on again off again on again tonight
and my plans with jitsu fell through - really he'd just forgotten we made any.
he seemed... a bit worked up about it... particularly when I said I wouldn't make plans with him again... I'm not sure if I believe him, though.
anyway. since doke invited me on wednesday I've been aching to see it.
so I talked adrian into going with me to watch it last night.
and we all know how much fun adrian at the theatre can be.
when he got to my house he walked in asking for my tools (apparently he'd been using his truck key to dig a hole in some sheetrock) to straighten out his key.
while he does that I order our tickets & write the confirmation number on my arm.
we leave.
he drives ('cause I do hate driving) and when we get there he's still having a hard time getting his key out of the ignition.
now he's sitting there huffing and growling and pulling on that key... and I'm sitting there laughing trying to think of a tactful way to point out exactly how easy it is to break a key...
and then it happens.
the key is broken in the ignition.
truck starts up just fine but no way he'd be able to lock his doors.
and I'm about rolling around laughing about all this - there's a reason I don't use my truck key to pry anything open.
we finally get inside... and he's notably calm, imo...
I try to print out our tickets 3 times before I admit I didn't correctly copy down our confirmation number.
apparently I missed a 7 there towards the end, and I'm convinced that if he hadn't rushed me I would have figured it out - I was thinking either I left out a 0 or 2 or a 7... but I only got to try the 0 and the 2 before he lost interest.
instead of just calling it even we decided to buy more tickets - and lemme tell ya'll it was so worth it.
this is such an adorable movie~
and they've got little bugs flying around a light - and they're vw bugs w/ wings!
I had such a wonderful time, and I rushed home to demand that my sis and I watch it together sometime soon.
speaking of - apparently there's some sort of family reunion this weekend. if I can drag someone out there on saturday I guess I'll go, but no way I'm heading out there w/out some company.
and now for my obligatory < enter game I've been playing > update.
I made lvl 20 last night on my rogue. haven't played much with my warlock in the last couple of days - I'm telling you it's her posture.
milkdud took me through my first 'instance' last night. he was running through just killing folks while mostly I was stealthed and hiding behind doors.
and when I wasn't stealthed and hiding behind doors it was usually because I was dead and having to locate my body. :(
but it was super awesome of him to do that for me, and I got to loot some pretty cool stuff - got this really awesome cape and this cute little mask.
... think my only complaint is my damn bags aren't bigger... beanakin gave me some 12 slot bags for my warlock... and they've spoiled me, really. I bought four 8 slot bags for my rogue a few days ago, but all these bad guys in that place milkdud took me were dropping fuck all awesome things. but ugh! I didn't have much space to carry things. I was destroying bandages & potions & skins & thread & food & then stuff that was dropped that wasn't worth as much as the stuff I was trying to pick up.
but seriously mostly I stayed stealthed. and even then I still got killed about 5 times!
how many times did milkdud die? zero. and he was fighting by himself, too.
they'd give me the stink eye and I'd fall over dead!
but I got to soak up a load of xp and sell lots of hard-to-find stuff to make lots of money.
I had a really good time, aside from feeling extraordinarily useless. maybe someday [when I'm 20 lvls higher] I'll bring someone [this is where I glance at yama, even though he's got friends who are 60s] through here. hell I'd do it for some random person just to kill these guys that killed me (kinda like how I kill spiders at pretty much any cost).
so since I hit 20 I decided I've invested a significant enough amount of time in this game, so I finally subscribed. I knew I would, though - did I tell you I bought a 3 button mouse just to dive in game?
::: posted by tinafish at 12:01 PM :::