Wednesday, October 18, 2006 :::

an army of scarab

I had a good time this weekend...
friday I spent with budd, like I normally do.
well, first thing I did was lus came over, and we had some banana pudding (can you believe he went to acuff steakhouse w/out me? the bastard!). then budd came over and the three us just lounged about talking about nothing.
when lus left budd & I stopped by whataburger, and I saw his computer (omg <3 macbook pro)...

saturday we went to the ph with sarah & lus... sarah had a bit more to drink than I did.
then we went to the bookstore, and budd was embarrassed of me (so I was standing there with a box of scrabble on my head doing the chicken dance... he thought I was drunk, when really that's just me being me) which led to our first fight. for the time being, though, we ended up waltzing (read: he tried & failed horribly) while sarah sang out front of b&n. great fun, overall, aside from that look on his face.

sunday mcrough, milkdud, and I all went to the ph. it's one of the places in town that serves red stripe (milkdud's drink of choice), and really we were aiming for dinner. the kitchen was closed, so we had chips & queso. and I had a 252 that scorched my insides.
mcrough got pretty trashed. it was crazy seeing him sitting there drunk. he was saying, "that 252 hit me like a mack truck." so then I had one too, and seriously - it's something. it was like I'd had 4 or 6 shots of special reserve on an empty stomach. in one shot. it was crazy.

monday mcrough gave me a ride home, and we sat around talking for a bit.
I logged into wow and started pvp'ing (I'm ~such~ a bad host) and then he went over to one of his friend's place for sushi. now I love sushi. you don't even know how much I love sushi. haven't had really good sushi since last I was at kumori's back home a few years ago.
this was good sushi. amazing sushi. a bit spicier than I'd have liked, but omg it was delicious.

and last night!
was playing wow with budd & mcrough... the three of us plus some random people were running this one dungeon... I was left to my own devices to try to kill these bugs. the bugs (scarabs) killed me. in my defense, I'm a priest, and I did kill 1 before 5 of his buddies were like, "fuck you priesty!"
for whatever reason I was already in a foul mood all day, and the entire dungeon run was... messy. so I ended up just logging out in a fit.
a few hours later I log back in... mcrough and I decide to go back to that dungeon. to avenge me he aggro's the entire room of scarabs. without warning. we die.
we go back... and now that he's had his fun he just walks through the room. not me. I start spamming my aoe (area of effect) spell while running around in circles... he has to rescue me, of course.
we procede to kill the entire room's worth of scarabs.
an army of scarabs
(rest assured this was not the only mound)
we did almost the entire dungeon w/out dying again.
we'll be going back for the final stage of the dungeon. just the two of us. I'm almost certain we can do it.

oh and lastly, per tooter's request...
singing fleshlights
it would seem he's become obsessed with them

::: posted by tinafish at 1:05 PM :::